De Briel Hastings Holding AG

Company Information / Contact:

De Briel - Hastings Holding AG
Registered Address:
Dreikönigstr. 31a
CH-8002 Zurich
Mail Address:
De Briel-Hastings Holding AG
c/o V. Zacherau and or J. Maschke
Sandbuckweg 15
CH-8157 Dielsdorf
Registered at HRA Zurich, Switzerland: CH-
Tax-ID (Kanton Zürich): CH-ZU-J 000 103 027

Board of Directors (Verwaltungsrat)
J. William Hoppener (President)

Christopher D. Kovarik (Vice-President)

Mr. Martin C. Roeckner (Director)

Investor Relations (CH-ZU)
oms – V. C. Zacherau
The Company can be contacted via:
Tel: +41 44 586 0352
International US Nr: +1 972 64 63 628
International UK Nr: +44 20 8123 8105
Corporate Information you should know
De Briel-Hastings Holding AG is a Swiss Holding Company, established in 2004 and duly registered in Zurich under Nr. CH- The Tax Number is J 000 103 027.
The Registered Address is Dreikönigstr. 31a in CH-8002 Zurich.
The only physical Mail-Address is DB-H, c/o V. Zacherau, Sandbuckweg 15 in CH-8157 Dielsdorf, Switzerland.
The Governing Bodies of the Company are (A) the general assembly, (B) the board of directors (“Verwaltungsrat”), (C) the chartered auditors (if any), (D) the managing directors, and (E) the advisory board.
Authorized Signatories are Members of the Board of Directors (“Verwaltungsrat”) as JOINT Signatories by at least two Members for all “normal Business Matters” (Section III.1 Sub-Section B Art 19 sub a, c. through k.). For matters as referenced in Art 716a OR sub 1, (Section III.1 Sub-Section B Art 19 sub b.) the Members of the Board have Sole Signatory Power, insofar as Art 716a OR sub 2 (Section III.1 Sub-Section B Art 19) does not apply.
In addition hereto Sole Signatory Power is vested in the CEO for all executive business operations and in the CFO, COO and or CAO for any business-transaction approved by the Board, subject to including the statement “with reference to the decision of the Board of Directors, I confirm” or a statement to the same effect.

For any legal or tax matters, please contact
MCR-Anwaltskanzlei, Martin C. Roeckner
Mettfelderstr. 19, 50996 Cologne / Postfach 50 17 29 in 50977 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: +49 221 340  306 40, Fax.: +49 221 340 4890, Email:

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E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. De Briel-Hastings Holding AG, its subsidiaries, partners and associates does / do not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version.

The information provided through this website and any message or correspondence exchanged with you is provided for informational purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation or offer for any business transaction unless expressly so marked by the sender.

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Certain information is or will be made available only subject to the provisions of our Confidentiality and or NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and / or subject to obtaining a secure login ID and Password. Access and Usage Rights of the information provided may vary.

De Briel-Hastings Holding AG (“DBH-HAG”), its Subsidiaries, Partners and Associates, and DB-H Group (the incubator structure operating independently from DBH-HAG), (jointly called “DB-H”) are involved in select investments, in the development of Products, Systems and commercially marketable products and the development and provision of Services.
Where this is the case, any publication, any service and the use of any product, whether for value or free of charge, is subject to “© 2000-2013 DB-H – All Rights Reserved” and any Terms of Use, Terms of Service and or License available through the relevant Licensor to the User. Wherever there is written “DBH-HAG” or “DB-H” or “DFA” or “DBH-Finance” or “sequre partners” or “ZANIA” or “CRA” or “CRA2” or “iPaaS” or “KBiF” or “FAiR” or “NNC” or “Law-Matters” or OP2i or any combination thereof or any Patent, Copy-Right-, Business- or Trade-Mark, it shall reserve all Rights for benefit of DB-H or its relevant licensed subsidiary.
In certain circumstances, DB-H, the Subsidiary, Partner or Associate may, with the prior written authorization of DB-H Rights Management, grant a specific License or alternatively, subject to relevant terms and conditions, a form of Creative Commons License. If such is the case, than it will be indicated in the publication of the product and the license agreement. Creative Commons Licenses may provide different rights. The type of right granted shall be indicated in the relevant publication. For general information about the forms of Creative Commons Licenses, please visit the Creative Commons Website (
Any reference to terms & conditions of transactions proposed, sponsored structured arranged facilitated or otherwise promoted by DB-H Group & Associates or any of its Associates, Partners and affiliated Members shall be indicative only and be subject to change and do not constitute an offer in any way whatsoever unless expressly stated in a formal written confirmation.
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In accessing this website or corresponding with us, we collect information for the purpose of enabling us to correspond with you, for the purpose of safeguarding security, for the purpose of combating cyber-fraud, for statistical purposes, for the purpose of identifying the user of authorized and secure access facilities, and for providing better services.

We do not sell or publish any personal information collected. We consider any information knowingly or unknowingly provided by you to us as confidential information, (unless it was or is in the public domain), and act accordingly.

We take all steps available to us to protect such information from unauthorized or fraudulent use.

Our privacy policy will be available via download by you via the appropriate link on our website.

Please NOTE, that the Internet, and consequently E-Mail is not necessarily a secure transmission medium. Even secure access to “secure” web-sites can be compromised without the user being or becoming aware of such security breach, websites may be breached and or forged and or fake sites displayed. Criminal (use of) technologies may compromise or have compromised your system as well as systems to which you connect. You may unknowingly be part of one or more botnets which (may) engage in unlawful activities. Such activities may even result in placing incriminating information, programs or otherwise content in your system, which may not be visible or detectible without specialist assistance.
Please note, that these are real dangers relevant to any and all electronic traffic and program driven systems linked to any third party or in any form linked to any public network and or “Cloud System”. They include Servers, Personal Computers, Workstations, Multi-Media Systems, PDA, Smartphones, and many other systems and gadgets.
You are therefore kindly requested to take this into account in all your activities and take all necessary care and precautions to avoid damages for yourself and any other person by taking the advice from qualified professionals as appropriate under the relevant circumstances, and implement such protective measures as necessary to safeguard your system(s) and your communications from fraudulent or otherwise criminal use, tampering and or interference.
Consequently, De Briel-Hastings Holding AG (“DBH-HAG”), DB-H Subsidiaries, DB-H Group & Associates and any of its Associates, Partners and affiliated Members, its Governing Bodies, Employees and other Personnel (the entire Workforce) shall neither jointly nor severally be held liable for such incidents nor any damages resulting thereof. The same applies in regard of any third party sites or messages accessed through DB-H-websites, DB-H or Third Party Email-Messages or any other Electronic Communication, especially when modified.
For your own safety and the safety of others, please ensure that you are using the latest version of genuine legally acquired hard- and software, that you have installed all relevant securities updates, that you use a good, functioning and up-to-date internet security program, that you regularly clean your system from all forms of malware, block criminal sites and unlawful access to your system and otherwise take all precautions to prevent harm to you, your systems and to those with whom you are or intend to be in contact by electronic means, incl. those whom you permit to use your net access, and furthermore, take all protective steps necessary and or appropriate.

Update 2013-02-08 rev. 14